Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of Apparatus For Recording in Russia is 9106

Find updated HS tariff code of apparatus for recording the time of day and apparatus for measuring registration or an indication of any manner time interval with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor eg recorder time in Russia is 9106.

HS Code Product Description
  9106Apparatus for recording the time of day and apparatus for measuring, registration or an indication of any manner time interval with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (eg, recorder time, the recording device time)
      910610Recorder time, the device recording time
             9106100000Recorder time, the device recording time
      910690Apparatus for recording the time of day and apparatus for measuring, registration or an indication of any manner time interval with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor, other
             9106900000Apparatus for recording the time of day and apparatus for measuring, registration or an indication of any manner time interval with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor, other

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