0306 | Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; crustaceans smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process; crustaceans |
030611 | Langusts european and other lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.), ice cream |
0306110500 | European and other lobsters lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.), smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoking, ice cream |
0306111000 | Tails lobsters, frozen |
0306119000 | Other parts langusts european and other lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.), ice cream, except khvostov langusts |
030612 | Omar (homarus spp.) ice cream |
03061205 | Omar smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306120501 | Omar (homarus spp.), smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process, in shell, frozen |
0306120509 | Omar (homarus spp.), smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process, others, ice cream |
0306121000 | Omar (homarus spp.), intact, ice cream |
0306129000 | Omar (homarus spp.), ice cream, except intact |
030614 | Crab ice cream |
0306140500 | Crab meats, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoking, ice cream |
0306141000 | Crab species paralithodes camchaticus, chhionoecetes spp. and callinectes sapidus, ice cream |
0306143000 | Crab species cancer pagurus, ice cream |
0306149000 | Other crab, frozen |
030615 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus) ice cream |
0306151000 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus) smoked in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306159000 | Other lobster norway (nephrops norvegicus), ice cream |
030616 | Shrimp and prawns, deep (pandalus spp., crangon crangon) ice cream |
0306161000 | Shrimp and prawns, deep (pandalus spp., crangon crangon) smoked in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306169100 | Shrimps species crangon crangon, other, ice cream |
0306169900 | Other shrimp and prawns, deep (pandalus spp., crangon crangon), other, ice cream |
030617 | Shrimps and prawns other ice cream |
0306171000 | Shrimps and prawns other smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306179100 | Deep pink shrimp (parapenaeus longirostris), other, ice cream |
0306179200 | Shrimp penaeus kind, other, ice cream |
0306179300 | Shrimps pandalidae family, other than kind pandalus spp., other, ice cream |
0306179400 | Shrimp crangon kind, except types crangon crangon, other, ice cream |
0306179900 | Other shrimps and prawns away, ice cream |
030619 | Crustaceans other, ice cream, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, frozen |
0306190500 | Rfic vkl.muku groats and meal and pellets rakoobr., prig.dlya upotr food, smoked, in shell or not, do not expose. podvergn.teplovoy or processing before or during the smoking |
0306191000 | Cancers freshwater, ice cream |
0306199000 | Other crustaceans addition to the above, including flour, groats and meal of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, frozen |
030621 | European and other lobsters lobsters (ralinurus spp., ranulirus spp., jasus spp.), not frozen |
0306211000 | European and other lobsters lobsters smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process, not frozen |
0306219000 | Other lobsters, not frozen |
030622 | Omar (homarus spp.) not frozen |
0306221000 | Omar (homarus spp.), not frozen, living |
0306223000 | Omar (homarus spp.) meats, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process, not frozen |
0306229100 | Other, intact lobsters, not frozen |
0306229900 | Omar (homarus spp.), other, not frozen, other than live and uncut |
030624 | Crab not frozen |
0306241000 | Crab meats, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process, not frozen |
0306243000 | Crab not frozen kind cancer pagurus |
0306248000 | Other crab not frozen |
030625 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus) not frozen |
0306251000 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus) smoked in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process, not frozen |
0306259000 | Other lobster norway (nephrops norvegicus), not frozen |
030626 | Shrimp and prawns, deep (pandalus spp., crangon crangon) not frozen |
0306261000 | Shrimp and prawns, deep (pandalus spp., crangon crangon smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoking, nemorozh |
0306263100 | Shrimp and prawns, deep (pandalus spp., crangon crangon) fresh, chilled or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, not frozen |
0306263900 | Shrimps other kind crangon crangon, not frozen |
0306269000 | Shrimps and prawns of the genus pandalus spp., other, not frozen |
030627 | Shrimps and prawns other not frozen |
0306271000 | Shrimps and prawns other smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during the smoking process, not frozen |
0306279100 | Shrimps pandalidae family, except for shrimps of the genus pandalus spp., other, not frozen |
0306279500 | Shrimp crangon kind, except for shrimp species crangon crangon, other, not frozen |
0306279900 | Other shrimps and prawns other things, not frozen |
030629 | Crustaceans other not frozen, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption |
0306290500 | Fit for human consumption as food smoked in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoking, other, crustaceans, not frozen |
0306298100 | Other freshwater crayfish, not frozen |
0306298900 | Other, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, not frozen |
030631 | Langusts european and other lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.), living |
0306310000 | Langusts european and other lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.), living |
030632 | Omar (homarus spp.), live, fresh or chilled |
0306321000 | Live lobsters (homarus spp.) |
0306329100 | Other omar (homarus spp.), not, live, fresh or chilled |
0306329900 | Other omar (homarus spp.), live, fresh or chilled, other |
030633 | Crab, live, fresh or chilled |
0306331000 | Crab species cancer pagurus, live, fresh or chilled |
0306339000 | Other crab, live, fresh or chilled |
030634 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus), live, fresh or chilled |
0306340000 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus), live, fresh or chilled |
030635 | Coldwater prawns (pandalus spp., crangon crangon), live, fresh or chilled |
0306351000 | Shrimps cold-kind crangon crangon live, fresh or chilled |
0306359000 | Shrimps cold-vidal pandalus spp., live, fresh or chilled |
030636 | Shrimps other, live, fresh or chilled |
0306361000 | Shrimps pandalidae family, except for shrimp pandalus kind, live, fresh or chilled |
0306362000 | Shrimp crangon kind, except for shrimp species crangon crangon, live, fresh or chilled |
0306369000 | Shrimps other, live, fresh or chilled |
030639 | Other, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, live, fresh or chilled |
0306391000 | Freshwater crayfish, live, fresh or chilled |
0306399000 | Crustaceans other, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, live, fresh or chilled |
030691 | Other langusts european and other lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.) |
0306911000 | European and other lobsters lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.), smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat brabotke before or during smoking, other |
0306919000 | Langusts european and other lobsters (palinurus spp., panulirus spp., jasus spp.), other |
030692 | Omar (homarus spp.), other |
0306921000 | Omar (homarus spp.), smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306929100 | Omar (homarus spp.), intact |
0306929900 | Omar (homarus spp.), other |
030693 | Krabi, other |
0306931000 | Smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306939100 | Crab species cancer pagurus, other |
0306939900 | Crab other |
030694 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus), other |
0306941000 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus) smoked in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306949000 | Norway lobster (nephrops norvegicus), other |
030695 | Shrimps and other |
0306951000 | Shrimps smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306959100 | Shrimps of the genus crangon, other |
0306959900 | Shrimps other |
030699 | Other, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption |
0306991000 | Crustaceans other, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, smoked, in shell or not, are not subjected or subjected to heat treatment before or during smoked |
0306999100 | Other freshwater crayfish, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption |
0306999900 | Other crustaceans, including flour, groats and meal and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption |