8541 | Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells, collected or not collected in the module, whether or not incorporated into panels; light emitting diodes; piezo |
854110 | Diodes than or photodiode light-emitting diodes |
85411000 | Diodes than or photodiode light-emitting diodes |
8541100001 | Semiconductor plates, still do not cut into crystals |
8541100009 | Other diodes, photodiodes than or light-emitting diodes |
854121 | Transistors, except phototransistor power dissipation less than 1 w |
8541210000 | Transistors, except phototransistor power dissipation less than 1 w |
854129 | Other transistors, except phototransistor |
8541290000 | Other transistors, except phototransistor |
854130 | Thyristors, scrs dinistorov and except photosensitive devices |
85413000 | Thyristors, scrs dinistorov and except photosensitive devices |
8541300001 | Thyristors, scrs dinistorov and except for photosensitive devices promyshl.sborki motorn.transp.sr-in tov.poz.8701-8705, their units and units 5) |
8541300009 | Other thyristors, scrs dinistorov and except photosensitive devices |
854140 | Photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells, collected or not collected in the module, whether or not incorporated into panels; light-emitting diodes |
8541401000 | Light emitting diodes, laser diodes including |
8541409000 | Other photosensitive semiconductor devices |
8541409001 | Other elements of solar silicon crystal square-shaped provider or not cut corners) the side of which 155h155 mm or more, not assembled in the module or mount the. panel |
8541409009 | Other photosensitive semiconductor devices, other |
854150 | Other semiconductor devices |
8541500000 | Other semiconductor devices |
854160 | Piezoelectric crystals collected |
8541600000 | Piezoelectric crystals collected |
854190 | Parts of diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; semiconductor photosensitive devices, light-emitting diodes |
8541900000 | Parts of diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; semiconductor photosensitive devices, light-emitting diodes |