Russia HS Code

Russia HS Code of Entandrofragma Cylindrical - 4403491000

Lookup latest Russia HS code of entandrofragma cylindrical kaya ivorensis and chlorophore high or african teak wood unknown with remote or unretholded by the brown or the bloody or the growth of the broke or - 4403491000.

HS Code Product Description
44Wood and articles of wood; charcoal
  4403Wood in the rough, removed or undeleted bark or sapwood, or roughly turn over or unmounted
      440349Other formats underwooded from wood of tropical rocks, indicated in note 1 to the sub-positions of this group
          44034910Entandrofragma cylindrical, kaya ivorensis and chlorophore high, or african teak wood, unknowledge, with remote or unretholded by the brown or the bloody or the grossed orders or ...
             4403491000Entandrofragma cylindrical, kaya ivorensis and chlorophore high, or african teak wood, unknown, with remote or unretholded by the brown or the bloody or the growth of the broke or ...

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