Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of Isotopes Except For in Russia is 2845

Find updated HS tariff code of isotopes except for isotopes of commodity position 2844 compounds inorganic or organic these isotopes specific or uncertain chemical composition in Russia is 2845.

HS Code Product Description
  2845Isotopes, except for isotopes of commodity position 2844;compounds inorganic or organic these isotopes, specific or uncertain chemical composition
      284510Heavy water (deuterium oxide)
             2845100000Heavy water (deuterium oxide)
      284590Other isotopes, in addition to the commodity position 2844; their compounds, inorganic or organic, specified or uncertain chemical composition
             2845901000Deuterium and its compounds;hydrogen and its compounds enriched by deuterium; mixtures and solutions containing these products
             2845909000Other isotopes and compounds

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