Want to export bondyram in Russia? Searching for bondyram importers of Russia? Need trusted buyers in Russia? Don’t worry! You are on a right place as we provide the most accurate import data of Russia along-with genuine Russian importers list of bondyram so that you can meet your business requirements efficiently.


Sample #1- Russian Importer of Bondyram

Date 9/8/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name Ltd. "INTERHIM"
Importer Address 107140,, Moscow, st. UPPER Krasnoselskaya, D. 34
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
HS Code 3901908000
Product Desciption Raw materials for the plastics industry- ETHYLENE alpha olefin copolymer BONDYRAM, modified with maleic anhydride. In the form of granules of white color, odorless. Used for production of products using injection molding or EKSTUZII. NOT soda: RJ
Trademark ***
Quantity 1200
Unit ***
Gross Weight ***
Net Weight 1200
Statistical Value 4514,45
Invoice_Value ***
Customs_Cost 257960.81
Total_Customs_Value N/A
Country of Origin ISRAEL
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code N/A
Goods_delivery_point_EN ***

Sample #2- Russian Importer of Bondyram

Date 9/8/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name Ltd. "INTERHIM"
Importer Address 107140,, Moscow, st. UPPER Krasnoselskaya, D. 34
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
HS Code 3901908000
Product Desciption Raw materials for the plastics industry- ETHYLENE alpha olefin copolymer BONDYRAM, modified with maleic anhydride. In the form of granules of white color, odorless. Used for production of products using injection molding or EKSTUZII. Does not contain: MRS
Trademark ***
Quantity 3000
Unit ***
Gross Weight ***
Net Weight 3000
Statistical Value 11823,57
Invoice_Value ***
Customs_Cost 675611.64
Total_Customs_Value N/A
Country of Origin ISRAEL
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code N/A
Goods_delivery_point_EN ***

Sample #3- Russian Importer of Bondyram

Date 10/26/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name Ltd. "INTERHIM"
Importer Address 107140,, Moscow, st. UPPER Krasnoselskaya, D. 34
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
HS Code 3901908000
Product Desciption Raw materials for the plastics industry- ETHYLENE alpha olefin copolymer BONDYRAM, modified with maleic anhydride. In the form of granules of white color, odorless. Used for production of products using injection molding or EKSTUZII. NOT soda: RJ
Trademark ***
Quantity 600,00
Unit KG
Gross Weight ***
Net Weight 600
Statistical Value 2223,21
Invoice_Value ***
Customs_Cost 128087.76
Total_Customs_Value N/A
Country of Origin ISRAEL
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code N/A
Goods_delivery_point_EN ***

Sample #4- Russian Importer of Bondyram

Date 10/26/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name Ltd. "INTERHIM"
Importer Address 107140,, Moscow, st. UPPER Krasnoselskaya, D. 34
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
HS Code 3901209009
Product Desciption Raw materials for the plastics industry-density polyethylene modified with maleic anhydride (POLYMER MODIFIER) BONDYRAM.V FORM solid granules natural color, no smell. Used for production of products using injection molding DAV: LE
Trademark ***
Quantity 6600,00
Unit KG
Gross Weight ***
Net Weight 6600
Statistical Value 19797,11
Invoice_Value ***
Customs_Cost 1140590.98
Total_Customs_Value N/A
Country of Origin ISRAEL
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code N/A
Goods_delivery_point_EN ***

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