Want to export oil painting in Russia? Searching for oil painting importers of Russia? Need trusted buyers in Russia? Don’t worry! You are on a right place as we provide the most accurate import data of Russia along-with genuine Russian importers list of oil painting so that you can meet your business requirements efficiently.


Sample #1- Russian Importer of Oil Painting

Date 9/1/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name OOO "Tikkurila"
Importer Address 192289, Saint-Peterburg, Prospekt on January 9, d.15, K.3
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
Manufacturer Name TIKKURILA OYJ
HS Code 3210001000
Product Desciption Varnishes and paints, oil-based for facade, outdoor work without ethanol content, NEAEROZOL prepacked in individual capacity: TEHO with oil paints alkyd. Used for painting clapboard exterior walls, sheathing boards, OK
Trademark ***
Quantity 469,13
Unit ***
Gross Weight ***
Net Weight 469.13
Statistical Value 2379,03
Invoice_Value ***
Customs_Cost 139281.12
Total_Customs_Value N/A
Country of Origin FINLAND
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code N/A
Goods_delivery_point_EN ***

Sample #2- Russian Importer of Oil Painting

Date 9/2/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name Ltd. "Durr Systems Rus"
Importer Address 107996, RUSSIA, G. MOSKVA, UL. KUZNETSK MOST, 21/5
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
HS Code 2710199800
Product Desciption LUBRICATION INDUSTRIAL MINERAL, the oil content of more than 70% by weight, obtained from bituminous, INTENDED FOR BEARING electric motors in LINES painting of automobiles, in plastic containers 1 kg, OIL / OIL VG-32 0,2L / MANUF DURR
Trademark ***
Quantity 0,38
Unit ***
Gross Weight ***
Net Weight 0.38
Statistical Value 35,95
Invoice_Value ***
Customs_Cost 2087.22
Total_Customs_Value N/A
Country of Origin GERMANY
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code N/A
Goods_delivery_point_EN ***

Sample #3- Russian Importer of Oil Painting

Date 9/3/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name OOO "Tikkurila"
Importer Address 192289, Saint-Peterburg, Prospekt on January 9, d.15, K.3
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
Manufacturer Name TIKKURILA OYJ
HS Code 3210001000
Product Desciption Oily paint for exterior wood surfaces, free of ethyl alcohol, DO NOT SPRAY, for building and finishing works, in packings for retail sale. : TEHO with paint, semi-gloss, KOLERUEMAYA oil paints (enamel), for painting DER
Trademark ***
Quantity 234,56
Unit ***
Gross Weight ***
Net Weight 234.56
Statistical Value 1199,55
Invoice_Value ***
Customs_Cost 69640.56
Total_Customs_Value N/A
Country of Origin FINLAND
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code N/A
Goods_delivery_point_EN ***

Sample #4- Russian Importer of Oil Painting

Date 9/4/2017 12:00:00 AM
Importer Name Ltd. "Durr Systems Rus"
Importer Address 107996, RUSSIA, G. MOSKVA, UL. KUZNETSK MOST, 21/5
Exporter Name ***
Exporter Name EN ***
Exporter Address ***
Manufacturer Name DURR SOMAC GMBH
HS Code 7320208108
Product Desciption Coil springs from ferrous metals, runs on compressed FOR SERVICE LINE PAINTING CAR
Trademark DURR SOMAC
Quantity ***
Unit ***
Gross Weight 0.1
Net Weight 0.09
Statistical Value 320,99
Invoice_Value 20
Customs_Cost 18635.3
Total_Customs_Value 18635.3
Country of Origin GERMANY
Country of Destination RUSSIA
Customs_Value_Currency_Code RUB
Goods_delivery_point_EN Stolberg

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