Russia HS Code

HS Tariff Code of James Fruit Fruit Jelly in Russia is 2007

Find updated HS tariff code of james fruit fruit jelly marmelade fruit or fruit fruit or pasta fruit or pasta received by thermal treatment including with addition of sugar or other substring substances in Russia is 2007.

HS Code Product Description
  2007James, fruit fruit jelly, marmelade, fruit or fruit fruit, or pasta, fruit or pasta, received by thermal treatment, including with addition of sugar or other substring substances
      200710Homogenized prepared products
          20071010Homogenized prepared products, james, fruit jelly, marmelade, fruit or nut fruit, paste fruit or nut, received by thermal treatment, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%
             2007101010Homogenized prepared foods for children supplied with sugar content more than 13 mac.%: james, fruit and berries, pasta nuts or fruit and berries, ..., heated treatment
             2007101090Other homogenized prepared products with sugar content more than 13 mac.%: james, fruit vegetables, marmelades, fruit fruit and barrier purses, nutried, ... heated treatment
          20071091Other homogenized prepared products, james, fruit fruit, marmelade, fruit or fruit fruit, paste fruit or nut, received by thermal treatment from tropical fruits
             2007109110Homogenized food products for children supplied from tropical fruits heated treatment: james, fertilizer fruit and barrel, ...
             2007109190Other homogenized prepared products from tropical fruits, heated treatment: james, fruit and fruit fruit, ...
          20071099Other homogenized products, james, fruit fruit, marmelade, fruit or fruit fruit, orange paste or nut, received by thermal processing, with other additives
             2007109910Other homogenized prepared foods for child food
             2007109990Other homogenized prepared products
      200791James, jelly, marmelade, puree, paste, heat treatment from citrus
             2007911000Citrus fruit products with sauce content more than 30 mac.%
             2007913000Citrus soda products with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%
             2007919000Other citrus fruit products
      200799James, fertilizers, marmelade, puree or paste, heat treatments, other fruits, berries and nuts
             2007991000Puree and pasta from plum (various types of genus prunus), with sugar content more than 30 mac.%, in primary packages of net-mass, more than 100 kg, for industrial processing
             2007992000Chestnut puree and pasta, with sugar content more than 30 mac.%
             2007993100James, jelly, marmelade, puree, cherry pasta and cherries with sugar content more than 30 mac. %, heated treatment
             2007993300James, jelly, marmelade, puree, strawberry paste (strawberries), with sugar content more than 30 mac.%, heated treatment
             2007993500James, jelly, marmelade, puree, malina pasta, with sugar content more than 30 mac.%, heated treatment
          20079939Other fruit and berries james, fertilizer, marmelade, puree, pasta with sugar content more than 30% by weight, heat treatment
             2007993900Other fruit and berries james, fertilizer, marmelade, puree, pasta with sugar content more than 30% by weight, heat-treated
             2007993901Other fruit and berries james, fertilizers, marmelade, puree, pasta with sugar content more than 30% by weight, heated treatment, in primary packages of net-mass 40 kg or more
             2007993909Other fruit and berries james, fertilizer, marmelade, puree, pasta with sugar content more than 30%, heat-treated, other
          20079950Other sugar and syrup maple, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%
             2007995001Apple pure, including composites, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%
             2007995002Other puree, including composites, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%, in primary packages of net-mass 40 kg or more
             2007995003Apricot puree, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%, in primary packages of net-mass 40 kg or more
             2007995004Cream puree, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%, in primary packages of net-mass 40 kg or more
             2007995005Peach pur, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%, in primary packages of net-masses 40 kg or more
             2007995007Other puree, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%, in primary packages of net-masses 40 kg or more
             2007995008Other puree, including composites, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%, other
             2007995009Other puree, including composites, with sugar content more than 13 mac.%, but not more than 30 mac.%
             2007999300Other prepared products from tropical fruits and tropical nuts
          20079997Other sugars and syrup maple
             2007999701Apple puree, including composites obtained by thermal processing, including with addition of sugar or other substring substances
             2007999702Other purses, including composites obtained by thermal processing, including the addition of sugar or other substring substances, in primary packages of the net-mass of 40 kg or more
             2007999708Other purses, including composites obtained by thermal processing, including with addition of sugar or other substring substances, other
             2007999709Other purses, including composites obtained by thermal processing, including with addition of sugar or other substring substances

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