Diamete Import Data of Russia

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Search diamete import data of HS Code 7318210009 imports into Russia from United States Domodedovo and View market size and share, value, importers and exporters name, quantity of products under HS Code 7318210009

** Available on Purchase
DATE HS_CODE Product Description TrademarkCountry Net Weight Statistical Cost Place Shipper NameConsignee Name
2017-09-067318210009Lock washers inner appendices represent the orifice plate without thread, diameter of holes 10mm, made of Steels. INTENDED FOR BOLT ENGAGEMENT STOROPERNIYA passenger aircraft CESSNA 172. HA is not a commodity MILITARY /: AIRCRAFT SPRUCEUNITED STATES0.14,19Domodedovo**********
2017-09-067318210009Lock washers inner appendices represent the orifice plate without thread, diameter of the hole 8 mm, made of Steels. INTENDED FOR BOLT ENGAGEMENT STOROPERNIYA passenger aircraft CESSNA 172. HA is not a commodity MILITARY /: AIRCRAFT SPRUCEUNITED STATES0.14,2Domodedovo**********
2017-10-297318210009LOCK WASHER, NOT SPRING, installation of a draft wind engine releasing mechanism (emergency hydraulic station) passenger aircraft GA A319 / A320 / A321 aircraft. MATERIAL - corrosion-resistant steel. Diameter - 8 mm:UNKNOWNUNITED STATES0.08321,76Domodedovo**********

Our diamete import data of Russia and market research report covers market priceof diamete and market share of Russian companies. This helps you to do market analysis on the basis of price, company, etc. efficiently and gain knowledge on market size of diamete in Russia. Few shipment records with a small number of important columns from Russia import data of diamete are given above. Other hidden fields such as Russian Importer Name with Address, Foreign Importer Name with Address, Value, Quantity, Origin & Destination Country and more are also covered in Russia customs data of diamete. To view more shipment records of diamete import data of Russia, you can set a filter by Country Name, HS Code and Place.

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